Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bad news / good news

Beijing - So the bad news is that my beautiful pink bike was stolen on Tuesday.  It was my own fault - the lock had been broken for a couple days (possibly from an earlier attempted theft), and I parked it all by itself.  The good news is I was sitting by a musical fountain at a new beautiful outdoor mall called Solana when it happened, eating ice cream from the Cold Stone Creamery.   

The other good news is that my friend Terry felt so bad that it happened 'on his watch' that he arranged that same night for his friend and driver David to loan me his cousin Mr. Wang's bike.  (You might have seen Mr. Wang before, he's my buddy who wants all my friends from out of town to have dinner at his other cousin's house.)   David brought the bike over bright and early the very next morning.  It's yellow, not pink, and there's no basket, but I'm thrilled to borrow it for the next few days.  I felt really taken care of. 

Another example of being taken care of - I was out at the Olympic Green and decided to take the new subway home with Rachel.  Various people said that the Olympic Green station was open or not open, or you could get into the Green but not out (typical of many recent conversations), so my friend Keri's driver Liu Wei walked us all the way to the one entrance that was open (with the cool big drum display you might have seen in my photos).  We walked through a dancing Fuwa parade on the way.  Liu Wei arranged, unbeknownst to us, for two of the cute Coca-Cola interns to make sure we got to our stop.  We didn't know it until they followed us out of our stop.  It was not at all on their way.  It was very sweet.  I wish I'd had those interns around when I got here last summer!

And my last bit of good news is that I found out this week that I get one of the coveted tickets to the Opening Ceremonies!  I'm really excited to check out the Birds Nest from the inside.  Look for me on TV.