Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's day dissing

Denver - So last night my friend Julie and I went to the Safeway to pick up milk (yeah, that's how we roll).  It turns out to be an excellent opportunity for hazing (does that make me a bitter single girl?).  When we walked into the store we stopped to admire some huge beautiful orchids.  There was a guy digging through the candy.  You could smell the desperation.  We suggested that he bring her flowers instead of candy.  He looked up with fear in his eyes - "I don't know what kind of flowers she likes."  How long have you been married? "7 years."  We asked what his big plans were for the night.  "Uh, nothing - my wife's going to cook."   Mr. Romance!  

There was only one check-out line open so we ended up right behind him.  We giggled at his choices.  Even the checkout lady laughed at him.  On the way out he said, sheepishly: "Hope your Valentine's Day is better than my wife's."  I tossed back, wolfishly:  "It couldn't be worse!"

As my friend Debbie says, "I'm so mean, I'm going to hell."  And I always reply: "that's where all the fun people are."